Monday 9 June 2008

Phish - Rocker Anastasio Sentenced To Probation

Former PHISH star TREY ANASTASIO has been sentenced to three years' probation in relation to a 2006 drug conviction, after the charge was reduced to a misdemeanour.

In April 2007, the rocker pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a controlled substance, after police found heroin, Xanax and Vicodin in his car during a routine traffic stop in December 2006.

He agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors, which stated his drug charge would be reduced upon completion of a drug counselling and treatment programme. Failure to do so would result in a three-year prison stint.

But Anastasio has successfully fulfilled the terms of the plea agreement and he is expected to graduate from the drug programme in June (08).

And, during an appearance at a Fort Edward, New York court on Wednesday (21May08), a judge reduced the 43-year-old's guilty plea to a misdemeanour.

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