Sunday 1 June 2008

Madonna auctions off private gig for charity

Madonna auctioned off the promise of a private gig yesterday (May 22) for 350,000 Euros (�280,000).

Two winning bidders, who auction organisers have not revealed the identities of, will receive an audience with the singer backstage at a forthcoming gig. Madonna will sing two songs for them.

The auction where Madonna sold the gig promise was the annual Cinema Against AIDS gala in Cannes. Before making the offer of the gig Madonna joked: "People have offered me millions to play at their Bar Mitzvahs."

P. Diddy also attended the event, bidding 450,000 Euros for a Porsche he was eventually unsuccessful in buying.

The rap mogul auctioned off 24 hours in his company, with the bidding ending at 200,000 Euros. "I will wake up with you", he promised to the winning bidder.