Thursday 26 June 2008

Angelina Jolie - Pitt Makes Pregnant Jolie Feel Sexy

ANGELINA JOLIE has cooed about partner BRAD PITT in one of the final interviews the actress has given before becoming a mum again.

As tabloids and gossip sites report the couple is struggling to stay together, Jolie insists nothing could be further from the truth - and she knows she has picked the right man to father her kids and spend the rest of her life with.

She says, "I'm very lucky - I'm with a man who makes me feel very sexy pregnant and loves children... He's an extremely handson dad.

"Any woman knows that when you're pregnant, if you have a partner who is embracing it (pregnancy) with you, it makes all the difference. I'm very lucky to have him."

The discovery of a chapel on the grounds of the private wine estate Pitt and Jolie have leased for the summer (08) has prompted gossips to speculate the pair may wed.

See Also

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Heidi Klum - Klum Wants One More Child

Supermodel HEIDI KLUM insists she has one more child in her, despite speculation she's done as a mum.

The mother-of-three states that neither she nor husband Seal have said they'll stop having kids, despite reports to the contrary.

The German catwalk star says, "So many people say I am so done. That hasn't come out of my mouth, and it hasn't come out of Seal's mouth either.

"I feel we still have one (baby) coming."

Klum's first child, Leni, was fathered by Formula 1 tycoon Flavio Briatore. The two she shares with Seal, Henry and Johan, are two and one respectively.

See Also

Monday 9 June 2008

Phish - Rocker Anastasio Sentenced To Probation

Former PHISH star TREY ANASTASIO has been sentenced to three years' probation in relation to a 2006 drug conviction, after the charge was reduced to a misdemeanour.

In April 2007, the rocker pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a controlled substance, after police found heroin, Xanax and Vicodin in his car during a routine traffic stop in December 2006.

He agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors, which stated his drug charge would be reduced upon completion of a drug counselling and treatment programme. Failure to do so would result in a three-year prison stint.

But Anastasio has successfully fulfilled the terms of the plea agreement and he is expected to graduate from the drug programme in June (08).

And, during an appearance at a Fort Edward, New York court on Wednesday (21May08), a judge reduced the 43-year-old's guilty plea to a misdemeanour.

See Also

Sunday 1 June 2008

Madonna auctions off private gig for charity

Madonna auctioned off the promise of a private gig yesterday (May 22) for 350,000 Euros (�280,000).

Two winning bidders, who auction organisers have not revealed the identities of, will receive an audience with the singer backstage at a forthcoming gig. Madonna will sing two songs for them.

The auction where Madonna sold the gig promise was the annual Cinema Against AIDS gala in Cannes. Before making the offer of the gig Madonna joked: "People have offered me millions to play at their Bar Mitzvahs."

P. Diddy also attended the event, bidding 450,000 Euros for a Porsche he was eventually unsuccessful in buying.

The rap mogul auctioned off 24 hours in his company, with the bidding ending at 200,000 Euros. "I will wake up with you", he promised to the winning bidder.